Hello, friend! I hope your summer has been filled with sun and fun and things that make your heart happy. I’ve been working on this and that (as you may have noticed if you follow me on the ‘gram), and I wanted to do a summer update on what’s new in my little corner of the web!

So what’s new?
Well for starters . . . I am now a travel agent specializing in Disney destinations! For those of you who know me, you understand that this is pretty much the perfect job for me, Disney lover that I am. I am part of the amazing team over at Practically Perfect Vacations!
About Practically Perfect Vacations
One of the best parts of this job is that I am paid a commission by Disney, not the client. So we can offer complimentary planning services for vacation packages! (How cool is that?) With all the changes happening constantly, it really helps to have someone getting you the most up to date info on your Disney vacay (and that someone is ME!).
If you want to know more about what I do, you can check out these links:
Instagram: @hillaryeverafter_ and @ppvwithhillary
A question I have been getting from people is, “But what about Spruce Up?” Don’t worry, Spruce Up isn’t going anywhere!
My book, Spruce Up: a professional organizer’s guide for your home, your body, your life, is available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle format. Let me know if you are interested in a signed copy and we can make that happen!
I am still working one-on-one with selective Spruce Up clients, both in person and virtually online. My goal with Spruce Up is to help busy women minimize clutter and organize everything so they can live the life they want to live! Whatever that life looks like for you, I want to help you get there by giving you a minimized, organized home life.
Oh, and this blog you are currently reading? It just got a new name: Hillary Ever After. This encompasses everything I am working on right now, and I hope you love it as much as I do!
Here’s my list and free download of 75 Instagram Captions for Your Next Disney Trip.
Here’s my FREE 5-Day Spruce Up Mini Course.